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Tuesday 18 September 2012


If by any chance you are like me and like to destroy your hair with hair dye, heated tools and lots of hair spray, then this is the place for you! 

Blonde, red, brown, light brown, dark brown, black, ginger, purple, you name it i have probably already done it! 
I think that generally i have a pretty good skin tone where i do suit most hair colours, that being said i wont be dying my hair black again any time soon (it was a little to harsh i think for me). Whenever anyone asks me 'why dont you just pick a colour and stick to it!?'- and usually that question is coming from either my mum or my nan haha! But my answers are always the same! 
1) I get bored, not just of the colour on my head but also of life, and when im feeling like i need to do something a bit CARAYZAYYY! surely it is better to just go out and spend £7 on a DIY hair dye rather than spend £100 on a tattoo i will probably regret, or a shopping spree i dont actually need to have! 
2) ROOTS! When i am happy with my hair colour, i do leave it but when my roots get so bad where i have to choice but to re-dye i always think 'hmm, maybe i'll go this colour this time!' change is sometimes really good, and fun!
And 3) all my life i have wanted to be a ginge! my aunty have ginger hair, 3 of my cousins have ginger hair, and my brother has ginger hair, as well as other relatives on both sides of my parents! and me?! oh im allergic! Thats right, i am allergic to red hair colorant! *tear*. and as you may have noticed above i said i have had red hair colour before?! yes that is true! i learnt the hard way (the very hard way ) that i was allergic to red hair dye! *ALWAYS DO THE SWATCH TEST!* But the time i was a red head was the best of my hair life! :) 

So here is a little of my hair back ground since about easter!
MARCH- I had seen The Hunger Games about 3 times in the cinemas and had developed a MAHOOSIVE! girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence! her hair, her make up, her clothes, her face! so using THIS PICTURE as inspiration i went to the hair dressers and had my hair hi-lighted, a fringe cut in and i LOVED it! 
APRIL- I went back to uni and took my brand spanking new-JLaw inspired hair with me! 
*3 months later*
AUGUST- I had been home from uni for around a month and with a little money in my bank account i decided 3 months was long enough and it was time for a change, THAT AND MY ROOTS WERE GETTING PRETTY HIDEOUS!! using a DIY hair dye i dyed my hair a medium brown and went to the hairdressers for some red hi lights (i can still have red hi lights as it doesnt touch my scalp when its in a foil! 
SEPTEMBER- Becasue i had had bleach on my hair prior to the August dye job, my hair colour faded pretty fast! so when it came to dying it again i was torn, dark brown or go cray cray and dye it purple again? needless to say i chose the crazier option and bought the PURPLE dye! 

-now that was quite a long 'introduction' so im just going to shut up now and post some lovely photos of my hair dying experiance! :) 

1) set up the dye!

2) Make sure you use protection!! or else you will get  purple hands! 

3) you will make a mess! especially if you are dying your own hair! so use some cotton wool a bit of warm soapy water and just rub over your skin to wipe it off! works a treat! :)


4) rinse, shampoo, repeat.

5) CONDITION! conditioner is your friend! you can see below how much hair you will lose just from the dying part, must keep those ends moist! :)

 6) clean the bath! it will be very messy, and you dont want your mum, dad or nan to come home and see all those purple specks! 
 7) wrap your hair in a towel and leave for a good ten minutes, it will soak up some of the wetness and make drying easier. 

8) Before you have even combed through your mane of hair! you will be able to feel how dry it is! so add some products to moisture and hydrate it so its all sparkly when its done! (as seen below!) 

-note make sure you do use an old towel because it will get ruined! 

9) never brush wet hair, always comb! 

10) heat defense is your BFF!
11) always dry your hair after you have dyed it! so you can see what the finish colour really looks like!

Voila! and style as you like! :)


I am one of those people who will always buy the brand on offer! - I do love a bargain! :) 
However i do like to stick to l'oreal brands when it comes to dying my hair! (dont know why just do.)
the brand however i decided to use this time was the Superdrug own brand and this is what i thought of it!
At the price of £3.99  or 2 for £5.49 it is the best bargain out there! i bought 2 as i have not terribly long but quite thick hair, and the worst hair mistake is having to little product to actually cover all your hair! 
The box was just like any box, a picture of a pretty model on the front with lovely make up! the packaging for the product of the actual dye was fine as a simple bottle and an applicator where the dye came out nice and smoothly! for the conditioner it was a simple tube with not much detail but looked just fine! (see the pictures above!)
When i first applied the dye to my scalp the first thing i noticed was that it was really cold! is that weird!? i dont know. Anyway! the dye was quite thin and watery and by using only one of the boxes i was able to fully cover my whole head this was very pleasing as now i have a back up for when the dye starts to fade!! YAY! :) the conditioner it came with was a really nice surprise as well! the tube was very big which is very welcome after having little tiny samples which often come in other boxed hair dyes, this one however can so called stretch for 6 uses! 
I am so impressed with the finished look! its shiny and dark and i think it does match quite well the colour i expected it too! although it will take a while to get use to how dark it now is i can say hand on my heart that i will definitely use this brand as a hair dye again! 
5/5 cheap cheerful and gives great results, i cant fault it at all! 

though this did make me laugh! haha!

Follow me on instagram (paigeey1993) and twitter :)

Thanks for reading :)

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