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Sunday 4 November 2012

Man flu or the Plague?!


In the last couple of days i have just caught up on all my youtube videos that i have been missing over the last month because.... dum da da duuuum... i have been ill!

Actually i think dying may be a more appropriate word to use.

To give you a quick run down of where i have been and what i have been doing in the last couple of months... here it is :)

  • At the end of September i came back to university! (wahooo for being a 2nd year!)
  • FRESHERS TAKE 2 (lets not lie, i went out.. a lot) 
  • The Dreaded freshers flu attacks!
  • I actually start uni and decide to be an AMAZING student and keep on top of all my work
  • I get the actual flu
    Stage 1- sore throat
    Stage 2-Cough
    Stage 3- Chesty cough and blocked nose
    Stage 4- Constant headache
    Stage 5- a little bit of everything above!
  • Though throughout these horrific 3 weeks of dying i still manage to go out! (hardcore student here! 
  • Start to actually feel better from the flu 
  • Lag behind in all note typing up
  • Catch up on note typing up only to lose my memory stick at university! 
  • wake up with yet another sore throat! 
So now i am sore throated up! behind on most of my uni work and need to wake up in 6 hours to start uni all over again! so until next time blog friends! and i shall leave you with some pictures from my time here at uni so far! :)
WARNING: some photos contain a very drunk Paige!

One of my best friends Jo and i on a geek night at a local club

Another one of my close friends on a Pajama Themed night
Abi, Myself and Jo on a night out
Cocktail pitchers 

On our way to IKEA to stock buy things for our house!

When i got ill and brought everything i could think of to save me !

seeing ducks at a really cute park here where i go to uni!

Hot chocolate with cream and cocoa powder... the only way to do it really!

Halloween themed cocktail pitchers! 

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