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Sunday 2 September 2012

♡Paige on Paige!♡

When Jonathon Ross is unavailable, interview yourself. simple. 

what could be a better way of starting my new and way more improved blog than with a very long and lengthy questions and answers post!? Answer.. there is no better way!
I did a little bit of thievery thieving and STOLE these question from Miss Zoella and you can read her post (from about 3 years ago) HERE and if you fancy doing it to, then link it in the comment section below! i think its such a great way to get to know one another (and not quite as intimidating as posting a youtube video!) 
So without any more of this chit chatting introduction, here are the questions! 


Do you have any siblings? 
Yes i do, i have a brother who is 17 and 2 step sisters and a step brother! How old are you? 
I am 19 and my birthday is April 20th! What's your height? 
I am about 5"1/2 i think!
What's your top/dress size? 
It depends where i shop and what style of dress it is, but generally i fit somewhere between the sizes of 16 up to 20!
Do you have any diet plans/tips? 
I go through phases where i am really unhappy with my body and work out and eat really healthy, but them i also have times where i don't care and eat all kinds of crappy food at all times of the day, but when i am trying to be healthier, i generally eat a lot of salads, potatoes, soup and try to stay away from sugary food, bread and fizzy drinks!
Do you workout/How do you stay so slim?
During my first year at University there was a gym in the building i was living in, so i use to go to the gym for 40 mins to an hour, about 6 days a week, then i sprained my ankle (no due to an exercise injury) and it didn't heal properly until i had actually finished my first year. Next year i am not living in the same building but renting a house with some friends and i am generally one of those people that don't like to workout outside, but in a gym so i'm not to sure yet as to whether i am going to join the gym or try and get over my fear of exercising outside!
Do you have any pets? 
In my childhood i use to have a lot of fish and a couple of rabbits, but sadly they all died a long time ago. Now i have a puppy called Bruce (well he's 1 and a half years old but he'll always be a baby to me)
[] Mr Bruce []

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? This will sound so boring, but right now i am working 5 days a week doing shift work, so i am so tired and whenever i have down time i like to chill out watching TV, online, walking my dog, this summer i have been absolutely awful at seeing my friends because i am so tired, but when i do have the energy i also love to paint and draw, SHOP (of course), exercise (occasionally) and go visit my family or hang out with friends!
Who inspires you? 
In regards to online people, Louise (sprinkleofglitter and if you click HERE you can see her blog or HERE to go to her youtube channel) absolutely inspires me! I have never actually met her, but she is the most beautiful person, and i don't mean looks wise (although she really is a stunnah!) what i mean is that she has the most beautiful soul and whenever i am having a bad and gloomy day she makes me really appreciate the smaller things and cheers me up right out of my little humffy mood! Other bloggers/vloggers who inspires me include Fleur (fleurdeforce click HERE and HERE), Fleur really inspires me to work hard, and if i work hard i can really achieve what i want, in both your personal and professional life! and the last blogger/vlogger i want to mention is Nikki (nikkiphillippi click HERE and HERE) Nikki, inspires me to be a better person, she is always so positive in her videos and makes me want to make a better life for myself than a lot of other young people my age.
What do you feel is your greatest achievement? 
My greatest achievement i think has to be going to university and being independent and studying something i have never done before!
What do you value most in life? 
The thing i value most is probably nature! I know that may sound a bit bleurgh! But it amazes me how beautiful the world is and it can really change my mood when i see a beautiful sunset or flower!
What do you do? 
I am a student, and work in McDonalds during time off from univeristy(HOW EXCITING)!
What is your dream job? 
I don't even know what my dream job is at the moment but i would really like to do something in the entertainment industry!
What did you take for your GCSE'S I took History, Health and social care and French which i dropped as i also did a course in hairdressing 
Do you make good grades? 
I think i do just under average, but when i actually revise and put a lot of effort into my work then i do quite well!
What is your ethnicity? 
Im pretty much British through and through although my Great Grampa was Scottish! 
Do you want to get married later on in life? 
Absolutely, but you never know where life will take you and i want to make sure that whoever i do marry i know 100% is  my one and only
Do you have any phobias? I have no diagnosed phobias but i hate, hate WASPS to the point i have screamed and ran away in front of all the people i work with and a restaurant full of customers at work not so long ago! EMBARRASSING
Have you ever had a near death experience? Well at the seaside a very long time ago i think i was nearly swept out to sea, but i may be remembering that rather wrongly! although my step dad nearly ran me over with our car once. 
Do you get mad easily? I get irritated easily, but generally i take myself away from the situation and feel much better! i don't like to get mad because i dont like to feel negative feelings!
How did you get so gorgeous? 
The same answer as Zoe here- MAKE UP!! And i don't think i am gorgeous, but it was in the questions!
Where have you been on holiday & where was the best? 
when i was little i went to France with my grandparents, but i really don't have any memories of it at all! But i have been to Butlins a few times, and camping all across the UK, the best PLACE i went on holiday was probably camping in Bude, just because the beaches were amazing (other than that i hate camping) but the best holiday i went one was to Butlins because i went with my Aunt, Uncle, Nan, my brother and all 5 of my cousins and it was a really fun filled holiday with all the littlens running around!
Favourite childhood memory? Is it bad that i cant think of any!?! but me and my brother use to play with Barbies and that was quite fun! haha
What was being in Harry Potter like? 
AMAZING! i joke i joke! unfortunately i was never in harry potter, but again this was another question that was on Zoe's blog!


Heels or flats? 
I wish i could wear heels but they hurt my feet so much! i am a WUSS! so i would have to say flats!
Favourite moisturiser? 
E45! Fancy i know!
Where do you buy most of your clothes from? 
Hmm thinking about this i probably buy most my clothes online, but i also shop a lot at Primark, New Look and Dorothy Perkins!
Favourite Shop? 
I have only shopped in Lush once, but it was the best shopping experience ever! the staff were so helpful! and made me feel all special inside!
Favourite makeup brand? 
I really like Revlon
Favourite drugstore makeup brand? 
^That is a drugstore brand.
Favourite nail polish brand? 
Barry M for sure!
Show us your favourite dress... 
[] This dress was from asos and in the sale, i think i bought it for £13 []
  1. What was your first makeup item? 
I have not got a clue, probably a mascara!
If you had your own makeup line what would you call it? 
Thats a tuffy, perhaps 'Paige' nice and original!
What are you into the most, if you HAD to choose one..Jewellery, Makeup, Shoes, Clothes? 
Probably clothes, no make up, no shoes.. okay so pretty much all of it! 
Can you please show your followers how you organise all your jewellery/accessories? 
one day.. :)
What is your favourite shoe store? 
I don't have a favorite shoe store, but i think new look have a pretty good collection, at times, but also asos, because they have a mix of high end and lower end shoes! the only problem with buy inline is sizing! i recently bought a pair of boots from asos and i need to return them and get a bigger size because there too small! :( 
At what age did you start wearing makeup
well when i was about 15 i would wear a bit of mascara but that was it, and then when i went to college e i moved to mascara AND eyeliner! but it wasn't until i went to uni last year i started wearing a full face of make up on a regular basis, perhaps because i was living with strangers, and didn't want them to see my naked face!
Do you wear falsies? If so which brand? 
Nope, i tried and failed once, badly failed! 
Lipgloss or mascara? 
Whats your worst shopping habit? 
shopping full stop!
Do you have a signature scent? 
How do you take care of your hair? 
I use conditioner and try to not blow dry it to often and i also like to was my hair no more that every other day! 
Whats the colour of your natural hair?
Light brownish
What are your views on plastic surgery? 
personally unless i needed surgery, i wouldn't want any one cutting into my body, but each to there own!
Is florabundance lipglass sticky or is that just the tester? 
wouldn't have a clue!
If makeup somehow wasn't invented (:O) what would you replace it with? 
Eh a little slap to the cheek could always add a bit of blush!
Do you bite your nails? 
No, occasional i gnaw at them when im worried or on edge, but i stopped biting my nails, years and years and year ago!


Would you rather grow a beard or go bald?
Perhaps go bald, i could always wear a head scarf or wear a wig!
If you could know the date you were going to die, would you want to know? 
Yes, i hate to be in the dark!
Which five male celebs would be on your "list"? 
Ooh eh! Ian Somerhalder
Prince Harry
Matt smith 
Louis Tomlinson and 
Robert Pattinson 
If you only had 24 hours to live how would you spend it? 
I would spend it with all my loved ones and my doggy! 
If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner? 
A cocktail dress, why not?
What first started you going to carboot sales? 
I dont 'go' to carboot sales, but i use to when i was a loit younger, perhaps about 12 years old!
Which Carboot sales do you go to? 
i use to go to just the local ones near me, i live in the country and there are a lot that go on every sunday!
Do you have a favourite book? 
Being very unoriginal i would say my favorite books are the hunger games, twilight, 50 shades, how streamline of me i know!  
Do you watch any american tv, if so what is your favourite? 
The vampire diaries, PLL, Grays Anatomy, private Practice, honestly most the TV i watch is American!
Why don't you make youtube videos? 
I have a YT channel and will make YT videos, its just a matter of when really...
What is your favourite type of sandwhich? 
EGG and salad cream! ham and salad cream, cheese and salad cream.. do you see a pattern?
Do you have a xanga account? 
Seeing as i dont know what that is no...
What is your favourite reality tv show? 
I always love im a celeb, but i also really liked the hills which is a little old now and anything on E!
What wesbite do you visit the most besides youtube, blogger & facebook? 
hmm possibly, asos
Who is your favourite blogger? 
Every blog i read is a favorite!
Who is your favourite makeup guru? 
Tanya Burr (Pixi2woo) and Sam and Nic (Pixiwoo) both are their videos are professionals and whether i try there make up looks or not there so easy to watch!
How do you make your blog interesting? 
Well in time we shall see.. :) 
Do you like photography? 
I am incredibly amateur, and use my phone of cheap digital camera to take photos but yes i do love photography!
Can you show us some of the photos that you're proud of? 
Of course! *scouts through instagram*
[] a stream near my house []

[] Taking Mr Bruce out on a walk, he like to run in the long grass! []

[] Sleepy Mr Bruce not letting go of my arm! []

What is your fave style to decorate your bedroom, chic, modern, vintage..etc? 
I really like the 'by the sea' look! 
Can you please do a room tour? 
Why not?!
Do you like stationary? 
I do! 
Are you into Ghost hunting? 
Ive never been but i would not say no! 
What is your favourite disney film? 
Ooh i love the little mermaid, the lion king, beauty and the beast! there are really to many to list!
Whats your favourite desert? 
Anything with chocolate on it or in it!
Do you like swimming? 
I like swimming so much that i think i may have been a fish in a past life!Do you drink juice? 
What's your favourite movie? 
I am a big movie watcher! i cant pick just one! but i do love all musicals and zombie films! 
Do you eat fries with a fork? 
generally a fork! 
Do you like cookies? 
If you could move anywhere, where would it be? 
unlike some people who may say some where hot, i actually really like the british weather so im pretty content with staying here, but i wouldn't mind trying it out in Germany or France, or other European countries!  
Savoury or sweet? 
Sweet, then savory, then a bit of sweet!
If you had to describe yourself as a fruit, what fruit would you be? 
Haha, maybe a melon.. because im quite bland on first impressions but i can be really sweet too :) haha!
Favourite flower? 
I like, lilies and daisy's and sunflowers! 
Favourite colour? 
Do you drink energy drinks? 
I DO!! i love Lucozade and Powerade, however i cant drink cherry lucozade, i dont know why but i get really bad shakes when i have the cherry one, only the cherry one! 
Do you drink coffee? 
Yes i do, not always and not often, but yes! 
If you could have a dinner party with 5 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you invite? 
Prince Harry, Prince William, Kate Middleton, The Queen and prince Albert, im hoping if i can impress the family i may be in with Prince harry! ;)

Well that was quite a rather long blog post which i have been working on for the last 4 hours! With a break for pizza in between! 
If you made it to the end of this i salute you! Well done! i really hope you all do one of these on your own blogs to as i would be so interested to see your answers, dont forget to link it below! :) 

see you next time lovlies! :) 

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